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Keeping in mind what has just been said, it is possible to correct the friction coefficient formula as follows:
In conclusion, the case of elastic bodies in interaction with each other is considered.
This value is ascertained by titration, a standard analytical chemical
technique, and is defined as the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide
required to neutralize one gram of the lubricant. The wear rate is high, with metal being removed as metallic droplets. }}

By studying the behavior at the limits it will be that for c = 0, t = 0 and for c = 1 it returns to the condition in which the surfaces are directly in contact and there is no presence of a third body.

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Under the most favourable circumstances go to these guys can be very low (e.
The layer in contact with the surface



{\displaystyle S_{2}}

, which moves with a velocity v due to an applied force F, will have the same velocity as v of the slab, while each immediately following layer will vary this velocity of a quantity dv, up to the layer in contact with the immobile surface



{\displaystyle S_{1}}

, which will have zero speed. From models it has also been able to deduce whether asperities make contact elastically or plastically. This inability to obtain a definite result is due to the extreme complexity of the phenomenon.

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A more realistic description then of the area of each single junction that is created is given by

{\displaystyle \alpha }

constant and a “tangent” force



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{\displaystyle {\vec {F}}_{i}}

applied to the joint. .